Wednesday 1 July 2009

Overcoming Negativity - 6 Great Tips

Everybody is negative from time to time but a real problem arises when our pessimism arrives regularly and stops us from leading joyful, fulfilling lives.

Below are 6 effective tips on overcoming those unwanted negative thoughts -

1. Don't surround yourself with negative people. Period. Completely cutting yourself off from everyone that even slightly appears to have a pessimistic outlook is unfortunately not possible but choosing to surround yourself with positive individuals is an option. You know how the old saying goes - you are who you associate with. In the case of negativity it is particularly true as a negative attitude is often like a flu that can be easily rubbed onto others. Try socializing with people who are full of life and inspire you instead of making you more devastated and fearful of the future.

2. Look at the bright side. And yes there is a bright side. Always. In the the midst of negative turmoil there has to be something that you're still proud of or grateful for. Remind yourself of your past successes and achievements. None are lost just because it appears that way. It is up to you to treat something as a challenge or as a problem. If you confront a situation like it was an obstacle to overcome rather than tremendous life wrecking trouble you will invite solutions into your path and your negativity will appear to be just a cautious feeling. Numerous life stories finish with - if I only knew that this worst time in my life turned out to be the best thing that happened to me....

3. Just do it. Instead of focusing on your negativity and letting it stop you from accomplishing your desires don't think about it and do what you want to do even if you think that there is no way it will work out. Pre-plan your actions and start, just start, and you might find that in the process whilst you were busy accomplishing things your negativity had slowly drifted away. Keeping your focus elsewhere will take away the opportunity of indulging in being negative.

4. Get to the bottom of things. Ask yourself why are you really pessimistic? Are you really negative or is it maybe something else? What triggers your negative emotions? When are you most likely to feel negative? After you examine your state you should be able to have a more complete idea about your negativity, so you know what you're up against. If there are certain situations that bring on your negative instincts examine what you can do to avoid those situations. Keep in mind that if your negativity comes hand in hand with fear of the unknown it might be a good solution to first address and eliminate the fearfulness and then see if the negativity is still in sight. Find out what it is you don't yet know. We don't always know about things that happen to us. Just put them aside and know that one day you will know what happened. Until you do you won't be scared.

5. Bombard your negative feelings with laughter. Laughter really is the best medicine - for everything. Whenever you start feeling negative watch a funny movie, meet up with people who make you laugh, or read something joyful. When faced with fun and laughter negative thoughts weaken and frequently pass altogether.

6. Acknowledge negativity for what it really is. By keeping a negative attitude, constantly complaining and living in tension you are not only unwillingly programming yourself for failure, you become unbearable for people around you, and you risk your health. You're lowering your immune system and are more likely to suffer a heart attack or develop ulcers. Knowing that should give you another significant reason to stop with negativity for good.



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