Monday 6 July 2009

Creating More Success, Happiness, and Vibrant Health

Being wildly successful, incredibly happy, and optimally healthy require taking responsibility for our own lives. Being responsible requires us to move outside our comfort zones and be, do, or learn things that are new, different, and possibly challenging. It is the threat of a potential challenge to our comfortable status quo that holds us back.

I want to believe that everyone wants vibrant health. But getting there requires us to know more than we currently know or do things differently than we are now doing. It is this fear of doing and knowing that keeps us stuck. We are afraid that we might have to give up something that is currently making us happy, not realizing that the health and vitality gained by making better choices will make us far happier in the long run.

We all want more money and more freedom, yet stay in jobs that bore or irritate us. We complain about the boss or management, thinking we have better ideas or answers, yet we aren't willing to stick our necks out on the line and take that chance for ourselves.

We all want to be happy. It's that simple. But we are always waiting for something to make us happy: a better job, a better lover, more money, a nicer house, better weather, a vacation, new clothes, a night on the town. Happiness is in the moment. It is appreciating yourself for who you are right now, in spite of the difficulties that you may be facing. Living in the moment requires faith, which is the belief that everything is as it should be. "Everything happens for a reason." It sounds so cliché, especially when applied to experiences that are tragic, but living life to the fullest challenges us to grow. Without being open to growing and changing, we become stagnant, going around and around in the same old boring dance.

I used to get so annoyed at making my CEO's richer and richer as my salary stayed basically the same year after year. I got tired of complaining, though, and had to sit myself down and have a serious talk about my potential, "If you think you are so smart, experienced, talented, and motivated, what are you waiting for? Put it to good use and invest in yourself. Start your own gig and prove to yourself your own potential self-worth."

Don't wait until faced with a tragic health crisis, getting laid off unexpectedly without a plan, or being dumped because you are not reaching your true potential. Go ahead and have a little talk with yourself. What is important to you? Why? How might you change your life to accomplish this? What would you need to know, change, or do to get there? Who do you know that might be able to help you? What do you need to know to motivate you? What do you need to know to be more successful, happy, and healthy than you currently are?

Learning something about the Law of Attraction is vital to stepping outside your comfort zone and stretching to new heights. Being able to remain in the moment, even in the face of pressure, stress, and uncertainty, will make the difference between success and failure. Risking nothing will get you nothing. Sure, risk is scary, but what is more scary - not having what you want or having what you want?



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