Wednesday 8 July 2009

Happiness and Money - Which Comes First?

You have no doubt often heard the phrase "money can't buy happiness" and there are countless articles and books that explain in great detail why this is true. This is all well and good, but what if you turn the question around? Can happiness bring you more money?

There certainly appears to be a direct link between your level of happiness and your overall ability to attract more prosperity into your life. That's not to say all rich people are happy, but in general terms wealthier people certainly seem to be happier.

So which comes first, money or happiness? Might it actually be the case that happiness is a driver of your prosperity and a pre-requisite to you being able to attract more money and good fortune into your life? I believe that to absolutely be the case.

Consider this:

1. Happy people are more fun to be with. Happier people are just more fun. When
you're happy, you tend to have more friends and more people who want to be
your friend. Other people are going to be much more inclined to share things
with you, including opportunities. The more opportunities you hear about, the
more opportunity for you to participate. The more you participate, the more
times you stand to benefit and the greater your overall level of wealth and
prosperity becomes.

2. Happy people are more attractive. Who would you rather work with, someone who
is happy or someone who comes across as a sour puss? The happy person of
course. There is nothing more inviting than a smiling face, and there is
nothing more repelling than a scowl. So when it comes to getting that better
paying job, or that promotion, or receiving the next big proposal, it only
stands to reason that when you're happy your odds of "winning" are far better
than when you're not happy. This is just plain common sense.

3. Happy people are more relaxed. There is no doubt that when you are happy, you
feel more at ease and are less stressed. That is going to translate into your
overall level of performance. When you are less stressed, your body and your
brain simply work better. You think more clearly, make better decisions, and
are more effective at what you do. All of which must have a positive impact on
your pocket book. When you are relaxed, you are more easily in flow. Because
you are in flow, you are more open and allowing prosperity in as opposed to
repelling. That makes it easier for more money and prosperity to come to you.
And so it will.



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