Thursday 9 July 2009

It's Not About the Money!

Today's soulful mind shift is geared towards the topic of money. It is one of my favorite topics and an area around which I have struggled for many years. Based on the fact that as human beings we require food, clothing and shelter, much of our waking hours are focused on the pursuit of money.

For most of us, we think about money more often than any other subject in our lives. We are often consumed by it, especially when we don't have enough to meet our basic needs. Moreover, we are inundated by the media with advertisements that encourage us to pursue all the things money can buy - fancy cars, nice homes, fashionable clothing, cosmetic surgery, boats, RV's, vacations in the Caribbean, etc.

We are programmed from an early age to relentlessly pursue the almighty dollar and many of us forsake all that is important to us in the process. What I have I come to realize through the course of many painful experiences over the pursuit of money, is that it's not about the money, but what we think we will have once we get the money.

What do you hope money will buy you?

Will it buy you time with your children, a place to get away from it all, a body that you like better? Will it let you know that you have arrived and that you are worthy? It's different for every one of us.

The bottom line is this. Instead of working your hind end off to make more money, begin right now to incorporate into your life what you think you will have once you have more money. If it's time with your family that you think money will buy you, find ways to spend more time with your family right now.

If you think money will buy you a little cottage by the beach where you can get away from all the stresses of life, instead of waiting for retirement in order to have that experience, rent a cottage near the water and get some much needed rest and relaxation this weekend.

If you don't have the money to buy a camper right now buy a tent instead, and go camping at one of the beautiful state parks in your area. Stop delaying your happiness by being consumed with the pursuit of money. Happiness is available to you right now. Everything you think money will buy you - more time, a stress-free life, excitement and adventure, is available to you in this moment.

It's not about the money it's about what you think the money will buy you once you have it. Although I'm all for having more money, stop putting off the things that make your heart sing and your soul rejoice while you are waiting to win the lottery. You could be waiting for a very long time.



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