Thursday 9 July 2009

Be Happier Now!!!

Do you spend your life waiting for your child to grow up, or for you to get that next raise, or for the winter to be over or-here's a good one-are you waiting for the next white sale before you buy the sheets? Or the New Year sale? Or the Christmas sale?

If you always find yourself waiting, then the Universe is going to make sure you keep waiting, but never having. You need to take the action now, and live your life now-because if you wait too long, you may never reach it.

How many people do you, or did you know, who had a heart attack a month, or two weeks, before their retirement? So, all their hopes and dreams and travel-they were just waiting for that retirement-it never happened. None of their dreams ever happened.

Do you want your life to run that way? When you want to do something, intend for it to happen. And start taking steps to make it happen.

If you want to take a vacation, make some reservations. Even if you think it's going to take you a year to save up for it, make your reservations now. Show the Universe this is something you are going to do.

Do something every day that you like doing. Do something every day that pleases you. Otherwise, you will never reach emotional well being. You will always fall short of it. There will always be a pang of sadness inside you. Is that how you want your future to be? More of what you have now?

Is somebody going to come along and ring your doorbell, and say, "This is the day your life is different. You won the lottery." And even if you did, does money make people happy?

Your emotional well being depends on your being happy. So what does being happy mean for you? What does your world have to look like? Who has to be in your world? Maybe it is no one you know-yet.

For you to be happy, how do you have to feel? What does your body have to look like? How about all your functioning-your hearing and your sight? Your mobility? How do all those things have to be working for you, so that you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, ah yes-you mastered how to be happier. The happy you sought all your life. You are there!



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