Tuesday 7 July 2009

Stay Open to the Possibilities

Wouldn't it be great to live in exactly the kind of house you'd like to live in and have it situated in the precise spot in the world you'd most like to live. Of course, you'd also drive your very favorite model of car and if you worked at all, you'd have the job of your dreams and earn scads of money. You get the picture, you'd have it made, you'd have perfection... or would you really? Sometimes the things that we consider to be perfect for us; the things that would surely make our lives complete, are not really the best for us at all.

No one has their life filled with everything that they would desire, but hopefully most of us have lives that are filled with some of the components of what we consider the "good life". That leaves us wishing for and working for the other ingredients to improve our circumstances and enrich our lives and that is good for us. Perhaps having to get by with less than we'd like or having to work diligently to attain that which we lack is somehow beneficial for us in the long run.

Many of us know people who appear to have very little in the way of worldly possessions and who manage to make do with very limited means and yet seem to live lives of richness, joy and happiness. On the other hand, most of us also know people who seem to have the world by the tail. They have an abundance of money, good looks and all the trappings that we associate with happiness and success and yet remain unfulfilled and joyless.

So what is the secret to the happiness that we all desire? If it isn't necessarily having a lot of money or good looks or power and prestige, what is it?

It's certain that we can't all have everything we'd like, however, I am convinced that if we chose to make the most of that which we do have and work with commitment and determination toward that which we desire, we can achieve our goals and find success in many areas of our lives.

Undoubtedly, most of us have found ourselves in situations or circumstances which we didn't request and certainly didn't desire that ended up being really good experiences for us. Sometimes these experiences have changed the entire direction an individual was heading in their life; perhaps taking them on a career path which they had never really considered and yet which would ultimately lead them to great satisfaction and success.

Perhaps we need to be open to the possibilities that present themselves to us even when they sometimes come into our lives as what we perceive as unwelcome intruders.



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