Saturday 4 July 2009

Golden Rules For Having a Peace of Mind

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to go through life and are not disturbed by life's challenges? I bet you are wondering how they are able to go through life and have joy and peace while on the other hand when other people are confronted with the same situation they complain and are unraveled. Did you know that having a peace of mind is something that you have to work at? The difference between people who are unmoved by life's challenges and those who are moved is that people who are unmoved know the Golden Rules for having a peace of mind. You will learn four things here that you can do to go through life and have a peace of mind. The 4 Golden Rules are: 1. Have a Positive Attitude 2. Celebrate You 3. Relax and 4. Be Solution Orientated

1. Have a Positive Attitude
The first rule to having a peace of mind is you must have a positive attitude. Have you ever been around a negative person? Negative people are always stressed out because they are focused on the wrong in every situation. When you are focused on the wrong your emotions will reflect it. A negative person is usually angry and sad all of the time. If you do not want to be angry and sad all of the time, you have to make a decision that you are going to be a positive person and see only the good in all people and in every situation. This takes practice but when you are focused on the good in all people and every situation, your emotional response will be calm and peaceful.

2. Celebrate You
The second way that you are going to have joy and a peace of mind is by celebrating you. I have found that a main reason people are stressed is because they spend so much time making other people happy that they do not have time for themselves. It is important for your inner peace that you see yourself as the most important being in the world. You also have to make time for you. Try this exercise to celebrate you: Make a list of at least 25 things that you enjoy such as your favorite foods, favorite songs, favorite television shows, favorite books etc. Pick at least one thing from the list everyday and do something nice for yourself. Fix yourself your favorite breakfast, listen to your favorite song while you are in your car, read a few chapters from your favorite book etc.

3. Relax
The third rule to having joy and peace of mind is learning how to relax and enjoy life. In you want to live with a peace of mind, you can not live your life being uptight and taking life too seriously. If you are uptight all of the time, you run the risk for being stressed out. Here are 5 things that you can do to help you relax. 1. Sit in silence for about 15 minutes a day 2. Take a walk 3. Notice the flowers and greenery when you are driving 4. Count the stars in the sky and 5. Make love more often

4. Be Solution Orientated
The fourth rule for having joy and a peace of mind is whenever you are faced with an obstacle in life you are going to work on finding the solution instead of talking about your problems. When you are focused on finding the solution instead of talking about your problems you will eliminate the stress factor because you are taking action to improve your situation.

These 4 Golden rules are a great starting point for developing ways to respond to life's challenges; however, there are many more tips out there that you can use. You should continue to discover and apply what works best for you in maintaining your peace of mind. Just remember that life is full of challenges but your job is not to concentrate on the challenge but on the best way that you can respond to the challenge.



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