Friday 10 July 2009

Stop Focusing on the Little Things That Bug You

Success has a lot to do with what you don't do, as well as what it is that you do. Imagine doing the right things is like driving towards a destination. If you get side-tracked by wasting time doing other things, you will take longer to get to where you want to go.

You can't do everything. You can't do the right things, things that don't matter and the wrong things at the same time. Imagine instead of working on that project that will launch your business towards success, you spend 30-40 minutes on youtube or wikipedia entertaining yourself.

Sure it's harmless fun, and everyone deserves time to goof off once an awhile, but all this "nothing" that you are doing is getting in the way of your success.

Also, similar to a lot of the 'nothing' that fills your day, there also the massive time wasters. The perfectionist in you will suck up all the available time you have. If you are a perfectionist and can't handle things being not right then you have a problem.

Anthony Robbins have a good quote that says, "The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty that you are willing to live with." I believe that the level of your success has to do with the things that you do just as much as the things that you don't do.

You can't be spending hours fixing bugs, or optimizing one part of your system. You can't be wasting your time like that. You should always know what you are going to do next. What you are going to spend time doing. If you just let the 'urgent' things, or the things that your mind picks out as 'urgent', you won't have enough time to do the 'important' things.



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