Monday 1 June 2009

Happiness - Your Right, Your Choice

There are two choices to happiness. Either you are or you aren't. Only you can choose which one you want to be. Of course, it is only obvious that one would want to be happy. I cannot think of anyone who would actually choose to be unhappy. But you know a lot of people actually do choose to live unhappy lives or allow circumstances to make them unhappy. There are times when things go right and happiness abounds. Other times things don't work out the way they like and they feel disappointed, sad and unhappy. Happiness just does not seem to last for a very long time.

When you think about it, how many times have you actually felt true happiness in your life? Once? Five times? 20? Too many to count? Not very many people have experienced true happiness in their lives. But true happiness is not really elusive. Anyone can be truly happy. They just have to make it happen.

The first thing to do is to make the decision to be happy. Happiness really is your right. Then you need to think happy thoughts. Of course, this might be easier said than done. And really it is. But have you realized that there are certain times when the air just reeks of cheerfulness and fun? Thanksgiving and Christmas are times full of fun - the shopping, the lights, the preparations, the family getting together and rekindling all the fond memories - it is really a wonderful time of the year.

How about when you and your friends get together and just hang out? You talk and laugh and just forget about all the troubles of the day. What about your birthday? I'm sure there must have been a time when you had a birthday party and had the time of your life. What about your wedding? The birth of your first child? I'm sure one or all of these occasions were times when you felt pure happiness.

It just goes to show that your environment can influence how you feel at a particular point in time. If your environment is one of chaos, confusion or sadness, then this is exactly what you will feel. Even what you feel internally can determine your state of mind. If your thoughts are not happy thoughts then you will not feel happy. But if you fill your mind with good things like love, appreciation and gratefulness then this is what you will feel.

You need to make the right choice on your feelings. When you look at the news you see so much violence, poverty, disasters and other things that can actually make you feel sad and depressed. But you know it makes no sense to allow what you see to get to you. It really won't change what is happening in the world. The most you can do is try to make the world a better place by actually being and making others happy.

So how about it? Try changing your environment from one of gloom and doom to one of cheerfulness and optimism. You can do it. Just think cheerful, optimistic and happy thoughts. Don't hold back. Don't just think it - show it. You can do this by doing something good for someone else. Make somebody happy.

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works".

It is by your good works that happiness and joy would spread to others. So the next time you are in an environment of unhappiness, let your happiness influence others. Think and be happy. It is your right and your choice.



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