Thursday 11 June 2009

Recipe For a Happier Life - Add 7 Tablespoons of Laughter

With all the troubled times in the world and in our personal and professional lives, it can be difficult to find the joy, let alone laughter.

The definition of laugher is: to feel joyousness, merriment, glee and the resulting sound as to laugh.

There is nothing more beautiful than hearing the resonance of laughter, especially in young children squealing in delight. Have you ever heard a child's first laugh? What an incredible moment! You can't help but smile or laugh yourself. It's wonderful to be able to fill our lives with mirth, whether it's with family, friends, associates, or watching a movie or show, or perhaps being able to laugh at yourself.

How do you feel after you've laughed? Can you feel the energy in your body? Does it feel alive, lighter, expanding, warming, moving, tingly, etc? The benefits of laughter can be life changing. Research shows that laughing increases your threshold for pain, aids in the healing process, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and generates the release of endorphins - your body's natural pain reliever. It can elevate the mood of those around you and enhance the quality of your social interactions, as well as improve your overall health and well being.

Over the next week see how often you're laughing.

Add 7 tablespoons of laughter to your life

Tablespoon #1: Add a teaspoon of laughter to your morning tea or coffee. Read your favorite comic or joke, or watch or listen to something funny before heading to work. After all, starting the day with a smile on your face is far better than a sour puss.

Tablespoon #2: Call your friends and family - Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Get together as often as possible, go to a comedy club, or enjoy a dinner or lunch of infectious giggles and funny memories.

Tablespoon #3: Check your local theater and television shows - A healthy dose of comedy, whether in theaters, or on a video, or your favorite sitcom on T.V., always deliver some heartfelt laughs.

Tablespoon #4: Finding humor in tough moments - Whether you've had a terrible day at work, or experienced a spat with your co-worker, significant other, friend, family member or child, it's possible to find humour in life's toughest moments if you look hard enough. Consider finding something that makes you laugh about the situation, or read the comics, or leave a funny note or quote for the other person or yourself. In a sense making lemonade from lemons.

Tablespoon #5: Smile often - You don't always have to be rolling on the floor laughing to acquire the therapeutic rewards of laughter. Even smiling when you don't feel like it can alter your mood and relax your body. A smile goes a long way for you and others.

A simple breathing exercise to practice is: I breathe in peace, I breathe out a smile (don't forget to actually smile). Try this for 5 to 10 counts.

Tablespoon #6: Break out the games - Whether you're at home, the cottage, or on a trip, there's nothing more fun than the laughter and good times a board or card game brings about. If you are playing with those serious winners who never seem to crack a smile, let alone a laugh, then find a game like Pictionary or Charades that can't help but elicit a chuckle.

Tablespoon #7: Be creative and have fun - Express yourself through art, songs, or writing. You don't have to be a Picasso, Beethoven or Ernest Hemmingway to be creative, just play. Color, paint, draw, write, sing, dance, use clay, sew, knit, etc. Whatever you feel drawn to - do it!

Dress up in funny clothes, silly glasses, wigs, or a big red nose or shoes. Don't wait for Halloween or after a few too many cocktails. Enjoy being silly with your kids, co-workers, sports teams, family and friends. There's no time like the present to have a theme day at work or home.

It can be challenging, especially during troubled times, to feel like doing something enjoyable, or laughing, but once you do, you and others will reap the benefits. Don't forget laughter is contagious, just like yawning. I don't know about you but I'd much rather laugh. Laughter truly is great medicine, so make sure you get your daily dose.

Remember, when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!



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