Tuesday 2 June 2009

7 Free and Easy Ways to Love Yourself on Your Journey to Happiness

To be really happy in life, you must appreciate yourself for who you are. If you are able to love yourself, you will be very much more confident, and be much more aware of your own abilities. You will be more positive, and you will be better prepared to accept the challenges that life presents.

Here are 7 tips to help you love yourself!

1) Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Recall your life achievements and write them down. What successes did you have at school? What accomplishments have you had during your working life? What have you achieved as a parent? I am confident that you will end up creating a very long list!

2) Read through your list, and recall how good you felt when you accomplished each of these. Remember how hard you worked to achieve the desired results. Congratulate yourself for each and every one of these achievements!

3) Now that you have a written record of your accomplishments, read through the list every day and acknowledge these achievements. This will imprint all of these wonderful thoughts and feelings in your mind.

4) Choose a day of the week to take stock of what you have done over the previous 7 days. It doesn't matter if it is a Friday, Tuesday, or whatever, but make it a regular event. Write down everything that you have accomplished that week. They don't have to be major achievements - cleaning the oven is definitely an achievement that you should acknowledge!

5) You should now see a pattern emerging. The things that you have achieved indicate the talents and strengths that you have. Write down the particular strengths that you would have needed to be successful in reaching your goals.

6) Appreciate yourself for who you are. Acknowledge the strengths and talents that you have. You are a unique individual who has achieved much in your life, and acknowledge that you will continue to accomplish more and more.

7) With your list of your strengths and talents, think of new ways to use these. Using your skills in different ways will help you reinforce that you are capable of achieving so much.

These exercises will help you appreciate yourself so much more. It really makes such a difference if you spend some time with you, and take stock of all of the wonderful things that you have done in your life. Writing your achievements down and rereading the lists regularly will ensure that these positive events are permanently implanted in your mind!



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