Wednesday 24 June 2009

How to Experience More Pleasure in Your Life???

It's your life. You might as well enjoy it, right? We all have one thing in common--we want to be happy. We want to experience more pleasure while we're here. Fortunately, we can do just that. Here are three recommendations that will open the door to a happier, more pleasurable life.

First, be true to yourself. You have certain gifts. You have specific talents. While we all share a great deal in common with one another, we all have attributes that set us apart from the crowd. When we're being true to these unique aspects of our person and are allowing those gifts to shine, we're happier. Take a long look at what makes you special. Isolate your talents and skills. Figure out what gives people a good look at the real you. Then, make a point of utilizing those gifts and of living a way that emphasizes your particular "specialties". You'll start to feel happier instantly.

Second, get a solid grip on your professional life. Troubles at work and unhappy professional lives have a remarkable ability to make us unhappy in virtually any setting. When work is a disaster, it's hard to be happy at home. Implement efficient systems at work. Surround yourself with the right people. Take necessary action. And always remember that we define our work. It does not define us.

Third, be willing to keep an open mind and to grow. We can learn new ways to confront challenges and to advance our interests simply by remaining open-minded. You can find some amazing things when you're willing to look for them. Those who stay closed off from new ideas and ways of thinking have a hard time finding more pleasure in life. They dig a deep thought rut and it become difficult to even think of climbing out of it. Don't let that happen to you. Expect to learn from others. Make a point of approaching things from various perspectives.

You can experience more pleasure in your life. And that's what we're all after, right? If you follow the aforementioned recommendations, you'll be well-positioned to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life. You may not solve all the world's problems by being true to yourself, taking control of your professional life and keeping an open mind, but you can certainly transform your own world that way!



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