Saturday 13 June 2009

Pasts are Pasts!! Look forward for your better tomorrow.....

Do you know your pasts are really pasts?. Most times the reason we live unhappy lives is cos we made some terrible choices and mistakes in the past and we don't seem to get over it. That is why I asked if you truly understand that your pasts are pasts. They are gone! You cannot and can never change them. But you have today and tomorrow. You have now and future so why let a simple thing as your past ruin everything? Who you were yesterday cannot determine who you will be tomorrow if YOU don't allow it.

So many of us have made mistakes in the past, but we let it roll. A mistake is a mistake, you just need to learn what you have to learn and move on! You have to learn to let your mistakes be a stepping stone to you and not a stumbling block, So if you are still mourning over a very terrible mistake you made in the past, its time to let go honey. Just sit down right now and think of the lessons you are supposed to learn from it so IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN. That is the only reason we make mistakes- TO LEARN OUR LESSONS. Anything more than that is putting yourself in a strong hold and bondage of self pity!

So when you are done learning the lessons from your mistakes, realizing that no matter how you cry over it or pull yourself into self pity, YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT and I repeat YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT!, so why kill yourself over a spilt milk? Then you pick up your today and press forward for your better tomorrow. Think of it!



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