Friday 29 May 2009

12 Empowering Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

* In this present global scenario where people are talking of crisis, financial instability and economic downfall, how can we alter our situation? How do we empower ourselves from the negative thoughts and conditioning which goes on continuously inside us.

* The solutions are within us, we need to bring them into being. Take a pen and paper and make a list of answers of the following 12 empowering questions which will help you to turn around your current circumstances.

Empowering Questions
1. How can I take immediate Control of my Life?
2. How can I change my current personal & professional situation & position to better?
3. What can I do today to change my future?
4. How can I expand, Learn and Grow?
5. What can I do today to make a difference in my and others life?
6. How can I increase my knowledge and skills?
7. How can I shape my future and destiny?
8. What will it cost me if I do not change my limiting belief now?
9. What belief do I need believe to succeed now?
10. Who are the people I see are already successful? What makes them successful?
11. What will I have to believe to feel happy and better?
12. What Results am I Committed to achieve?

Trust that this will give you some new insights and vision to look forward in life and make changes that will be empowering. Challenge yourself!

A Full and Balanced Life

* Living a full and balanced life begins with knowing what a full and balanced life means to you. Each day, we are bombarded with images from the media that tell us who to be, what to do and how to act. We are inundated with "shoulds," past experiences, family edicts and endlessly disempowering messages.

* So the first step in claiming a complete life is to embrace the distinction that Oprah makes quite concisely, Do not worry about living THE best life, just live YOUR best life.
Suggestions Here are some suggestions to begin the journey towards living YOUR best life.

1. Start a journal. One of the best ways to quiet the mind and access your deeper thoughts is to write. Let yourself write in an uncensored way. Let your thoughts flow without concern for grammar or impressing a reader. Be curious about what your inner self wants to tell you.
Here's a series of provocative questions to help start the journey:
What will my life feel/be like when I am living fully and in balance Here is where you imagine in detail the life you want.

Let yourself dream about how you will feel. Will you feel peaceful? Energized? Both? Will you be fulfilling a dream or simply living fully in each moment? Paint a picture for yourself.
What is most important to me? Begin to make a list of your values. Your values are your personal inventory of what you consider most important. We all have values, but unless you take the time to clarify them for yourself, you can inadvertently be living someone elses values. Your values inform the choices you make.

2. Get to know yourself. Walk, meditate, exercise, or take yourself on a date. Getting to know yourself and what you like is an important piece of the puzzle. What movie would YOU chose? Is nature most enlivening or would you prefer a cultural romp in the city? Do something you have always wanted to try. Take a risk. To live a complete life you have to be in touch with what makes you happy.

3. Find support. It can be difficult to explore or make life changes without the benefit of a support system. Often, when people start to grow, others around them - friends and relatives - may feel threatened. They may not want you to rock the boat. Seek out at least one person you feel safe sharing your desires with. This will help you to stay motivated and provide some accountability.

4. Take action. Inspiration without action is like being dressed up and having nowhere to go.
Take some baby steps. Ask yourself: what is one thing I can do this week to feel great about my life? Then do it.

What does a complete and balanced life mean to you? What will you discover?

It is truly possible. You can love your life and watch the seeds turn to blossoms and the blossoms turn to fruit.

Its YOUR life! Live it completely!



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