Thursday 7 May 2009

What is PayPal account?

Today I would like to share information about "PayPal". A lot of people do not know what is "PayPal"? Even a bank Manager also do not know what is "Paypal". Do you believe it???

Haha....I also knew it only two months ago when I am studying my online business.

"PayPal" is a internet pay account. The PayPal Integration Center contains all the resources and support you need to build PayPal payments into an e-commerce website or application.....

PayPal account is definitely essential if you want to sell anything online. Please visit the website for more information.

They have extended service to Malaysia but not in Brunei yet because a few years back they didn't serve Malaysia either. For Brunei, you can actually use PayPal to make payment but not able to withdraw the money from PayPal.

This few days I am try to solve this problem, at last, I have been advised by my friend Mr. Ling and internet Guru's, they highly recommend me go to Malaysia or Singapore to open a bank account with them and a virtual office, and later register as a Singaporean or Malaysian for PayPal.

This is especially for Bruneian, I hope the above will give you an idea how to apply a PayPal account.



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