Saturday 23 May 2009

You know who you are..............

I was enjoyed listening DJ Izzan shows this morning. Is really fantastic, I like the words she said, very touching to me.

"Nothing in life is come easy". We know that sometimes is really hard to do it but before we do it we must think it positive and plan to do it step by step, I think everything will go well to you........ Don't think it negative....

"You can't change people attitude but you can change it for yourself", its true.....Sometimes you really don't know why?? Your friends may say something to hurt you just like that..... most of the people are selfish but anyway you must learn how to "forget and forgive" it...... definitely you will have a fantastic life........

You don't have to regret what you are doing for yesterday cos yesterday is over, is a history, we can't turn the clock back. If you know you have done something not right than just change it yourself and improve it. We learn from our mistake so don't have to regret..... also no point to regret cos its already over......

As long as you like it just do it your own.... you don't have to worry about what people are saying to you.... cos you can't change people attitude.... As long as you know who you are..........

Hope you all have a happy life and Smile Always be Happy....



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