Tuesday, 30 June 2009
True Happiness Comes From Within
During turbulent periods, it is easy to feel like you have zero control over your future. Nevertheless, it is important to somehow take a break over the pressure this life offered. Funny youtube videos are available 24/7 over the internet to somehow help regenerate the tired you.
Feeling good about yourself means more than not being ill. For most people, physical well being - perhaps even the highest - priority in their lives. There is an old German saying which states that "Health is not everything, but without health, nothing is anything." These homespun words are a good way of describing this realization.
Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress. Doesn't it feel great to let out a big laugh? When you get together with your friends and recount the times you made fools of yourselves, you laugh until you cry and your tummy begins to ache - but you still feel fantastic. Laughter is not just a sign that you're having fun; it is also a form of healing.
On the other hand, laughter is important as a biological means of healing and controlling stress...as we laugh we release anxiety and frustration. When you are laughing, the heaviness inside goes away and your mental outlook changes, your physical well being follows the emotional and spiritual, so laughter also stimulates physical healing.
Monday, 29 June 2009
A Positive Attitude Changes Everything....
You can overcome any obstacle when you have the right attitude. One simple word for it... happiness!
"Happiness comes from spiritual wealth, not material wealth... Happiness comes from giving, not getting. If we try to bring happiness to others, we cannot stop it from coming to us also. To get joy, we must give it, and to keep joy, we must scatter it."
Start every day with a smile and a bright outlook on life.
Don't let anything or anyone discourage you from achieving what you have chosen to accomplish, and don't let fear or anger get in the way. Take on new challenges with the attitude that you gladly can and will do it.
You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals. This can be a scary thing to do. However, if you look at the positive side of every situation and realize that you can overcome fear and anger with a positive attitude... it will be less difficult.
Look fear in the face and fear disappears.
It is not always easy to be happy all of the time, it takes practice.
Start with a smile when you are challenged by something that makes you uncomfortable. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to think of ways to overcome obstacles in an uplifting, positive light.
Get on your happy feet!
Smile a lot. Bring good fortune and success to you by enjoying happiness every moment of every day.
Let's say you don't get along very well with your boss or a co-worker, or you had an argument with your spouse the night before. Try this today... walk in with a cup of coffee, the newspaper, a soft drink, something you know this person likes. Approach them with a big smile on your face and say, "Good morning, how are you today?"
Put the item you brought in down on their desk or table and walk away.
If that person challenges your happy attitude, remember this...
* it is important that you don't hold on to negative feelings;
* if you take on life with a positive attitude you will be a much happier and
successful person in your life;
* and learn to let go.
Start off on a new foot and a new day. Do whatever you need to do to rectify the situation and move forward with a positive attitude.
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to immediately turn your focus on something positive when something negative begins, or when someone negative tries to beat you down.
In order to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams you will have to do things that you don't want to do, things you fear, make you nervous or challenge you. Take action and look forward with great pleasure on these opportunities that will get you closer to accomplishing your goals.
GO FOR YOUR DREAM... don't let your fear and anger stand in the way of your personal growth.
Get happy! Learn to laugh! Bring good things into your life.
Every day I am challenged to maintain a happy attitude. My husband, my children, my work, the dogs, the daily upkeep of my home, etc., all challenge me in different ways to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day.
I learn to ignore situations that are negative. I choose to live with a positive attitude... achieving my goal to maintain happiness at all times.
I refuse to be unhappy!
Negative things, people, whatever unpleasant situation may arise... I practice bringing great things into my life by maintaining a happy attitude and dealing with every day situations positively.
I let the most unimportant things roll off my shoulders.
Life is too short to waste such precious and wonderful moments of the day being miserable.
You can achieve anything you want when you have the right attitude every day of your life! Enjoy a happy, positive attitude and bring great success into your life.
A positive attitude... it changes everything.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Be Happy, Think Happy, and Stay Happy! Life is All About Passion
Good heath prevails when you live a happy, resilient and optimistic life. Stress-related diseases like heart disease, cancer and stroke can prove fatal for you. So, by being happy, think happy, and stay happy eradicates this stresses of life.
There is the saying that 'In life, change is inevitable' and we all have the power within us to make that change, irregardless of adverse the situation may be.
Good social networking or relationship is essential to happiness. Happiness prevails when people can practice patience, understanding, tolerance and harmony, and life becomes simply wonderful.
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also healthier.
To be happy, think happy, and stay happy, is all a matter of individual choice. You are what you think you are. If you are happy, you will feel happy, if you chose to be unhappy, then you will feel unhappy.
Look at it this way.
It is all about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is such that when you feel good and happy, you will attract good and positive vibrations from the Universe; Stress and unhappiness simply attract bad and adverse vibrations.
A positive attitude to life is being grateful for what you now possessed. We give thanks to our parents for daily food on the dinner table, to the police for making our neighborhood a safer place to live in, spiritually for just being alive.
WE simply would not want to start our day with negative stress, which is bad aura.
Being spiritual in your choice of religion would give one more inner peace.
Time is Money and Money is Time. In order to effectively manage our time, we need to prioritize.
As the saying goes, 'Laughter is the best medicine'. Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it.
Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Practice patience, tolerance and understanding.
Life is full of PASSION. It gives us a sense of value, accomplishment and achievement.
Passion drives dreams. Dreams turn to reality, and it all starts with having passion.
Life is about learning something new everyday. Life is full of challenges and opportunities.
Run, jog, walk and do just about anything to keep your body alive and active. Life will simply become healthy and wonderful.
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Be Happy, Think Happy, And Stay Happy!
Life is about having a passion. Live out your passion.
Have a productive day!
Friday, 26 June 2009
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Changing Your Life by Changing Your Attitude
First you need to look at your current attitude and ask yourself exactly where it is getting you. By thinking constant negative thoughts about yourself and your situations, you aren't doing yourself any favors. You will begin to believe that these thoughts are true and will lose the motivation to even try to change your life.
You need to fall in love with the things that you have a poor attitude about, or fall in love with the idea of making a bad situation into something better. When you want more from your life, you will work harder to get more, and what better to work toward than something that you really love or would really love to have. If you love yourself, you will want better things for yourself; if you feel you are undeserving of better things, you will lose the motivation to even try.
If you cannot find ways to motivate yourself from within, look toward others for motivation. While you may not feel as if you care anymore that you get a promotion at work for yourself, imagine the life that you could give your children if your career was flourishing. Sometimes an outside motivator is all that it takes to give your attitude a push in the right direction.
If you are serious about changing your life, take a long hard look at the attitude you have when faced with obstacles, challenges, and problems. By adjusting your attitude to take a positive and productive approach, you can create changes in the way that you view your problems and make your responses to obstacles really make a difference in how you live.
Believe in Yourself! Stay Positive & Build on It
Fortunately it isn't the only way. There's an infinitely better way and it's all about faith; a faith even more simplistic than a faith in God perhaps.
This is as simple as making the choice to see the virtue within you and setting out to replicate it and build on it. Virtue contributes to faith and faith brings a zest for living. Part of this is deliberately choosing to see others positive views of you. See their views of you as positive. It will help your self-esteem.
And the result, over time, is an increasing and welling up of positive confidence that will set you up for future success and so on and so on. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. But, it will only work if you're growing genuinely in virtue i.e. being more thankful, positive, kind etc.
It's often said that if we don't believe in ourselves, who will (apart from our parents and a handful of close others)?
It's strange how believing in yourself and not condemning yourself can be so powerful. Suddenly, without the chains and shackles of despair and rejection holding us down, we're able to soar like eagles--and be the way we were always meant to be.
Give yourself another second chance. Believe in yourself: your abilities, your ideas, your resilience to get through your tough situation right now, and finally, your character.
Life was never meant to beat us down. No matter what is against you, you can prove the greatest inspiration, even to yourself.
Stay positive and build on it.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Life is Short - Enjoy every minutes and second
I’ll also wager that you spend very little time or energy during your life contemplating these three short words and their ultimate impact on the way you live your life.
I know I have said them hundreds if not thousands of times. And I also know that most of us never ask the follow-up question – How short is it really – for me?
Here for a little while. What’s a little while? Thirty years? fifty or maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who got to spend eighty or even ninety years learning, growing, sharing and living. Living. Why do so many people take life for granted assuming that they will have all the time they need to do all the things they want, visit all the places they desire and accomplish all of their goals and plans? Why do so many people squander their present moments or settle in life for a unfulfilling career or relationship? Why do so many people during their life waste thousands of hours reliving old mistakes and failures, bad decisions and unfulfilled dreams?
Why do so many people want more or better but refuse to try or choose to remain stuck? I don’t have a clue. I have done it many times myself. So, you ask, what gives me the right to tell you how to live your life?
Please keep in mind that this is not my intent. What you chooses to do with the rest of your life up to you because it is your life and it too will be very short in comparison to the time that man has walked the earth or will walk the Earth for many centuries to come.
Seventy years is a nano-second on the clock of the Universe. Your life is less than a single heartbeat of the total existence of time from it’s beginning to eternity.
Life is short and the older you get the faster it moves. Once you hit fifty trust me, the hours, days and years will fly by and there isn’t a thing you can do to slow them down. All you can do is put as much life as you can into the years you are given.
Who is to say how many years each of us will get? Who has a contract that says you will make it to the ripe old age of one hundred and as spry, mentally alert and healthy as you were when you were in your teens? No one. Each day is a gift. Each moment is a blessing. If this is true why do so many people whine and moan about the quality of their life? Why do so many people wish their life were better? Sure I would like to have more money, be better looking and in excellent health but guess what – sooner or later life happens to all of us. No one sits around in their twenties planning their life thinking OK, let’s make sure we include divorce, failure, bankruptcy, cancer, career disaster, discouragement, loneliness and any number of negative circumstances. But in the end we all get our share of both good and bad stuff.
Life is not what you get but what you do with what you get while you are here.
Some people leave legacies of love while others leave legacies of despair and hate. Some people leave have given more than they took and others leave having taken more than they gave. What will be your legacy? How will you live each of the precious moments you were given?
So friends, live your life to the fullest every moment while you can because before you know it, it will be time to say good-bye.
You are here for a little while and then you are gone forever.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
How to Experience More Pleasure in Your Life???
First, be true to yourself. You have certain gifts. You have specific talents. While we all share a great deal in common with one another, we all have attributes that set us apart from the crowd. When we're being true to these unique aspects of our person and are allowing those gifts to shine, we're happier. Take a long look at what makes you special. Isolate your talents and skills. Figure out what gives people a good look at the real you. Then, make a point of utilizing those gifts and of living a way that emphasizes your particular "specialties". You'll start to feel happier instantly.
Second, get a solid grip on your professional life. Troubles at work and unhappy professional lives have a remarkable ability to make us unhappy in virtually any setting. When work is a disaster, it's hard to be happy at home. Implement efficient systems at work. Surround yourself with the right people. Take necessary action. And always remember that we define our work. It does not define us.
Third, be willing to keep an open mind and to grow. We can learn new ways to confront challenges and to advance our interests simply by remaining open-minded. You can find some amazing things when you're willing to look for them. Those who stay closed off from new ideas and ways of thinking have a hard time finding more pleasure in life. They dig a deep thought rut and it become difficult to even think of climbing out of it. Don't let that happen to you. Expect to learn from others. Make a point of approaching things from various perspectives.
You can experience more pleasure in your life. And that's what we're all after, right? If you follow the aforementioned recommendations, you'll be well-positioned to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life. You may not solve all the world's problems by being true to yourself, taking control of your professional life and keeping an open mind, but you can certainly transform your own world that way!
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Simple Tips to Enjoy Your Life
First of all, you should learn to be grateful. Being grateful is important because there is no way you can find happiness otherwise. If you aren't grateful, no matter how good things are you will still feel like you lack something. You will still complain about your experiences. On the other hand, if you are grateful you will be able to see your life in a positive way. You can see even negative events positively. That's a great way to live.
Next, you should spend time on your hobbies. What are the things that you love doing? Make sure that you allocate your time to do them regularly. Don't be too busy with your work that you no longer have time for your hobbies. In fact, you might be able to turn your hobbies into your career. If you do that, work will feel more like playing than working.
You should also spend your time with your loved ones. Many people are so busy with other things that they forget how important their loved ones are. If you want to enjoy life, you should allocate more time with your family and friends. Play with them, go out with them, or simply chat with them. Even simple things, when you do it with the people you love, mean a lot.
Lastly, you should learn to give. Often people think that they will be happy if they receive something. That's why they want to get a lot of things for themselves. But the fact is you will be happier if you give than if you receive. When you give happiness to someone else, you will receive it back abundantly. You can start with the people around you. Say something nice to your spouse or give your time to listen to your children. They are simple things to do but the effect is huge.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Pasts are Pasts!! Look forward for your better tomorrow.....
So many of us have made mistakes in the past, but we let it roll. A mistake is a mistake, you just need to learn what you have to learn and move on! You have to learn to let your mistakes be a stepping stone to you and not a stumbling block, So if you are still mourning over a very terrible mistake you made in the past, its time to let go honey. Just sit down right now and think of the lessons you are supposed to learn from it so IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN. That is the only reason we make mistakes- TO LEARN OUR LESSONS. Anything more than that is putting yourself in a strong hold and bondage of self pity!
So when you are done learning the lessons from your mistakes, realizing that no matter how you cry over it or pull yourself into self pity, YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT and I repeat YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT!, so why kill yourself over a spilt milk? Then you pick up your today and press forward for your better tomorrow. Think of it!
What is Happiness??
Each person's definition of happiness is different. Each individual has an idea of what they feel they need in order to be happy. However, there are others who have everything they need in life but are still unhappy.
A happy person enjoys life. They are a magnet drawing others in and are pleasant to be around. They have a contagious smile. They most often have something nice to say or a helping hand to offer. A happy person carries a positive psychology, encouraging others around. Their lives are a reflection of goodness.
True happiness comes from within. It is how we feel about ourselves. It is not
conditional, based on money, status, or materialistic possessions. Happiness is something we all choose to experience. It is feeling of contentment and joy that titillates the body from within and exudes to the outside.
You don't need to wait for some event to take place in your life to find happiness. Finding true happiness begins with gaining control over your thoughts. Remember, your thoughts ultimately decide your actions. By changing the way you think you can make you happier than you've ever been in your life. Your negative thoughts attract negative emotions and unhappiness. Your positive thoughts attract positive emotions and happiness.
The Comparison Trap Repels Happiness
As humans, we place conditions on our happiness. We carry the thought that when we have achieved _______ we will be happy. Then we finally get what we want but the happiness is short-lived. You compare your life and circumstances with others and in no time you feel unhappy again. This is a trap we are all guilty of. Happiness runs away from this kind of mentality. It is a common trap and one we must stay clear of it.
Happiness is contentment! If you are content with your life each step of the way, you will achieve happiness each day of your life. True you have your ambitions and goals you aspire to. You may want more money, a better job, or a nicer house. But does that mean you have to wait until you have achieved these things in order to be happy? No!
When working to achieve your goals in life, you must be able to enjoy your efforts and hard work each step of the way and find the happiness within. However, if you perpetually compare yourselves with others and what they have achieved you will never be able to find the happiness in whatever you do. Your efforts will always seem futile. You will feel as if you are making little progress. You will become dejected and unhappiness sets in.
If this is your strategy in life, you will very seldom find happiness because as soon as you have achieved one goal, there will be someone else you can find to compare your life with. It will be impossible to find anything meaningful in what you do. You lose patience and become desperate to find that instant gratification. Remember, success is a journey. Nothing happens overnight. So enjoy each step of the way and find happiness in each stride of the journey.
If you are truly in the pursuit of happiness, you have to remove the conditions you place on your happiness. You have to avoid the comparison trap. You must begin to see your life in an optimistic light. You must give yourself credit for your efforts. And if you feel your efforts are not gaining ground, seek some direction. We all need assistance from time to time to get us back on target.
Happiness is a Choice!
True, many of us genetically carry a happy disposition. But even the happiest of persons experience sad days. The good news is that we can choose how happy we want to be.
When you feel unhappy, you automatically assume it is due to a lack of something. You immediately begin to desire material things hoping it will fill that void that you feel. Maybe it's a new car, or a new house, or a new job. You begin to anticipate these things, waiting for your happiness to arrive. When the quick fixes don't arrive the unhappiness still exists.
The root of the problem stems from a distorted self-perception. The perception you carry of yourself can sabotage any chance you have of happiness. The first step in choosing a life of happiness begins by changing your self-concept.
You must believe you can be happy at whatever stage of life's journey you are at. When I suffered my stroke at 37, it was a very trying period of my life that made me feel very fearful and sad. The recuperation from brain surgery left me feeling helpless and unhappy. I didn't know how long my recuperation process would last but I realized I had to do something to bring some joy and happiness back into my life.
I made the decision to work with the impoverished, helping to restore a clinic that was destroyed in an earthquake. My happiness was instantly restored. I felt happy for life and living. I recognized that happiness is a choice and I chose to do something to bring back some joy and happiness to my life. I felt happy for each breath I was able to take. I gave thanks each day for the chance to awake to see my family.
You too can claim your happiness. You too can make that decision to find happiness in your life. No one expects you to be perfect. You are the one that hold yourself to perfection. Find ways to restore peace and joy in your life and observe how much more success you will achieve. Events in your life will flow smoother, relationships will be more meaningful and life will be sweeter.
The sooner you accept that happiness is a choice, and that you can choose to be happy, the sooner you will begin to feel happiness flowing through you. Make that choice today!
How to Choose Happiness??
Choosing to be happy is being able to recognize the simple things in life that we can derive happiness from. I am providing this list in hopes that you can look inside your life and recognize the happiness that already exists and how you can bring it out or how to bring more happiness into your life. Here's how you can choose to be happy.
Having good health - Don't take your good health for granted. Be happy for the blessings of good health and be good to your body, don't abuse it. Moderation is the key.
The friends in your life - Cherish the friendships in your life and the happiness they bring. Don't take your friends for granted. Invite them over for a dinner party or barbeque. Let them see how appreciative you are for having them in your life.
Family - Strengthen the family bonds you have. Your family can bring a lot of happiness to your life. If the bonds are broken, work on mending them.
Meditation - This is a technique you can use to remove the unnecessary clutter and negativity from your thoughts that can cloud your ability to recognize happiness in your life. Clear the cobwebs and learn to think clearly again.
Biofeedback- If you have difficulty in choosing your thoughts, this is a technique you can use to bring more positive thinking in your life. Remember controlling your thoughts and removing negativity can bring you instant happiness.
Feed your spiritual void - When we are spiritually full, we are transcended into another realm of thinking. We discover ways of finding more meaning and happiness in our lives more easily. We dwell on positive things and discard ugly habits such as judgmentalism, criticism, cynicism, bitterness, and strife. These things harbor unhappiness within.
Have a sense of direction - We must have projects, work, something to feel productive about in our lives, or a set of goals that we aspire to. This brings happiness into our lives. The feeling of nonproductivity leaves one feeling useless and unhappy.
Find an emotional connection - Having a meaningful relationship with another person can bring a lot of happiness to our lives. We are social creatures that need to be with others and not always alone. Loneliness breeds unhappiness. To love and be loved is happiness in a bottle.
Avoid conflict - One way to remain happy is to maintain good relationships with people. Whether it is with a coworker, a friend, a family member, or the cashier at the grocery store. When you are hostile to others it has a way of coming back to you like a boomerang. Be patient with the people you encounter and be good to your fellowman. This will bring peace and happiness into your life.
Do for others - When you do kind acts for others it bounces back to you in the form of joy and happiness. No matter how small, go out of your way to do something nice for someone. It pays big happiness dividends.
Be thankful each day - When you wake up each morning give thanks for the wonderful things in your life. Send those sentiments of gratitude out to God or to the universe and watch how much happier you feel throughout your day. We have a tendency as humans to dwell on the negative and see the glass as half empty rather than half full. By giving thanks for all the blessings in your life, big or small, you are allowing more room for happiness to reside.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day

Happiness is easy when you learn the secret to adding happy moments to every day of your life. You don't have to wait for happiness. You can have it right now, today!
If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things happening in your personal life, you know how distracting and stressful that can be. It doesn't create a lot of happiness. So... what is the secret to Feeling Happy no matter what you are doing?
Here's the answer...
You can be happy every day when you learn to - Live in the Moment-. Living in the moment means you are totally immersed in an experience. You can relate to this when you think of the special times in your life.
Every Life Has Some Magical Moments - What Are Yours?
Think back on the events in your life that you vividly remember. Those are the events where you were -living in the moment-. Even though years have passed, you can still remember all the details.
My Wedding Day
Although many years have passed since my wedding day, and I can still picture myself as a young bride dressed in a beautiful white gown. I can still hear our "special song" and feel the immense joy I felt then as I walked down the aisle toward my soon-to-be husband.
Most Days Have Ordinary Moments
Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life. However, most days don't contain special events, and unless you learn to live in the moment, worry, fear, resentments or other distractions will rob you of your happiness.
Wayne Dyer in his many books talks about the compulsion some people have of always wanting more before they can be happy - more money, a better house, a fancier car, a better spouse, etc. Those people never get to a place of arriving - or enjoying the moment.
Ten Easy Ways to Practice - Living in the Moment
Living in the moment takes practice because you are used to being distracted. Make a special effort to consciously practice being totally immersed in what you are doing for some time every day. When distracting thoughts enter your mind, simply refocus on what you are doing. Here are some ideas to get you started.
1. Take a Bubble Bath
Play some soft music. Relax and feel the warmth of the water. Just think of how you are enjoying the moment.
2. Drive a Different Route to Work
Get off the highway, and take the city streets to work. As you drive, notice the trees and houses as you pass through different neighborhoods. Going a different way will also help you concentrate on your surroundings.
3. Eat a Gourmet Meal
Set aside money for your special dinner so that you won't feel guilty about spending the money. You will experience living in the moment as you enjoy the total experience of the atmosphere, the service, the people you are with, and the delicious food.
4. Play a Sport
For example, when you play tennis, you have to concentrate and be aware of everything that is happening at the moment. There isn't time to lament over the last shot because another one is coming right back at you.
5. Dance to Your Favorite Music
You will become immersed in the music as your body moves to it, and you will begin to feel vibrant and alive.
6. Play a Card Game
When you play games such as bridge or poker, you have to concentrate or you risk losing the game.
7. Take up a Creative Hobby
Painting, woodwork, or crafts will absorb all your attention as you focus on your creation.
8. Take a Vacation
Vacations are rejuvenating and energizing because you are physically away from the day-to-day cares of living and totally immersed in sight seeing or other vacation activities.
9. Look at the Funny Side of Life
Notice how people who are always preoccupied with worry, resentment or other things don't usually have a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor requires living in the moment because you have to look all around for the funny things that are happening.
10. Keep a Journal
At the end of each day, write about the moments when you were totally present. Every week review your journal. Doing this, will encourage you to concentrate on what you are doing. By practicing the secret of -living in the moment- a little more every day, you will develop a habit that will add meaning, vitality, and yes, that elusive feeling of happiness, to every day of your life.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Recipe For a Happier Life - Add 7 Tablespoons of Laughter
The definition of laugher is: to feel joyousness, merriment, glee and the resulting sound as to laugh.
There is nothing more beautiful than hearing the resonance of laughter, especially in young children squealing in delight. Have you ever heard a child's first laugh? What an incredible moment! You can't help but smile or laugh yourself. It's wonderful to be able to fill our lives with mirth, whether it's with family, friends, associates, or watching a movie or show, or perhaps being able to laugh at yourself.
How do you feel after you've laughed? Can you feel the energy in your body? Does it feel alive, lighter, expanding, warming, moving, tingly, etc? The benefits of laughter can be life changing. Research shows that laughing increases your threshold for pain, aids in the healing process, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and generates the release of endorphins - your body's natural pain reliever. It can elevate the mood of those around you and enhance the quality of your social interactions, as well as improve your overall health and well being.
Over the next week see how often you're laughing.
Add 7 tablespoons of laughter to your life
Tablespoon #1: Add a teaspoon of laughter to your morning tea or coffee. Read your favorite comic or joke, or watch or listen to something funny before heading to work. After all, starting the day with a smile on your face is far better than a sour puss.
Tablespoon #2: Call your friends and family - Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Get together as often as possible, go to a comedy club, or enjoy a dinner or lunch of infectious giggles and funny memories.
Tablespoon #3: Check your local theater and television shows - A healthy dose of comedy, whether in theaters, or on a video, or your favorite sitcom on T.V., always deliver some heartfelt laughs.
Tablespoon #4: Finding humor in tough moments - Whether you've had a terrible day at work, or experienced a spat with your co-worker, significant other, friend, family member or child, it's possible to find humour in life's toughest moments if you look hard enough. Consider finding something that makes you laugh about the situation, or read the comics, or leave a funny note or quote for the other person or yourself. In a sense making lemonade from lemons.
Tablespoon #5: Smile often - You don't always have to be rolling on the floor laughing to acquire the therapeutic rewards of laughter. Even smiling when you don't feel like it can alter your mood and relax your body. A smile goes a long way for you and others.
A simple breathing exercise to practice is: I breathe in peace, I breathe out a smile (don't forget to actually smile). Try this for 5 to 10 counts.
Tablespoon #6: Break out the games - Whether you're at home, the cottage, or on a trip, there's nothing more fun than the laughter and good times a board or card game brings about. If you are playing with those serious winners who never seem to crack a smile, let alone a laugh, then find a game like Pictionary or Charades that can't help but elicit a chuckle.
Tablespoon #7: Be creative and have fun - Express yourself through art, songs, or writing. You don't have to be a Picasso, Beethoven or Ernest Hemmingway to be creative, just play. Color, paint, draw, write, sing, dance, use clay, sew, knit, etc. Whatever you feel drawn to - do it!
Dress up in funny clothes, silly glasses, wigs, or a big red nose or shoes. Don't wait for Halloween or after a few too many cocktails. Enjoy being silly with your kids, co-workers, sports teams, family and friends. There's no time like the present to have a theme day at work or home.
It can be challenging, especially during troubled times, to feel like doing something enjoyable, or laughing, but once you do, you and others will reap the benefits. Don't forget laughter is contagious, just like yawning. I don't know about you but I'd much rather laugh. Laughter truly is great medicine, so make sure you get your daily dose.
Remember, when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Don't Ever Give Up

At the end of each day, when I lay my head on my pillow, regardless of what happened during the course of the day, I know I’ve had it pretty easy. I know I can wake up in the morning and I’ll still have that roof over my head, I’ll still be at my home, I’ll still have that food in the fridge, and I’ll still be alive.
I cannot complain because there are billions of people around the world who cannot get any food, cannot get clean water, don’t have shelter, don’t have any semblance of security because there are people shooting each other for seemingly no reason, taking their kids, killing their parents. They have problems; we have minor inconveniences. Yet they continue to fight, every single day, to stay alive. They maintain that hope, that belief, that if they keep fighting and striving, that maybe one day it will be better, it will be easier.
There are billions of people around this world who would do anything to be in my shoes, and your shoes, for just a day. Just one day. Just one chance. They would do anything to have the opportunities we have, to feel the security we feel, and to taste the freedom we can taste. Because while you and I are at the dinner table enjoying a meal we did not have to catch ourselves, someone else around the world is walking around in the coldness of the dark, looking for something (anything) to eat. While you and I are sitting on the couch watching the latest episode of our favourite program, someone else around the world is lying on the dirt floor of their mud-hut waiting for the sunshine to come. And while you and I are contemplating whether or not we should get out of bed in the frosty morning weather, someone else around the world is already up working the field because that is all that will keep them warm.
Right now you might be sitting at your desk at home, at a computer lab at school, at work, or wherever, and you look around and see all that you ever need to do something with your life. There is nothing to complain about; you have everything at your disposal to achieve all your goals and dreams. You may not see it, but you need to. And compared to the billions of people living in poverty around the world, life isn’t too bad at all.
So how can you ever complain about anything? How can you ever give up in anything? How can you ever say your life is tough?
I can never give up because there are billions of people around the world who don’t give up. I have no right to give up when a child wakes up everyday to severe poverty, not knowing where his breakfast might come from, or even if he will have any breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. Yet he wakes up anyway. Hopeful that with every passing day, with every passing hour, it is an hour, and a day that will move him closer to a better life.
Billions of people around the world wake up to this situation, and never give up; I can never give up. I have no right to give up. You can never give up. It would be an insult to the millions of unknown strugglers if I were to even contemplate the thought of giving up. I could have easily been with them, rather than where I am now. I could have been in their position, and they could be walking in my shoes, with the abundance of opportunities at my fingertips. I owe it to them, to show them what is possible, and to show them that their strength, and their will, and their determination to survive and to strive is a force that will take them to their dreams. I will never give up because they will never give up. And you should never give up.
And when I wake up in the morning I will have a smile on my face. I will smile not just because I am alive in these times, and in this place, but because I can do incredible things with my life. And so can you. Choose to look at life as an opportunity to fulfil your dreams, and in doing so help others to fulfil their dreams as well. Look at all your supposed problems as opportunities to learn and to grow. View each mistake as one you had to make to learn the lessons necessary to move you closer to your dreams. Think about all the possibilities in your life, and all the opportunities, and take advantage of them now, today, because tomorrow there will be even more available.
You can achieve anything and everything you set your mind to, so long as you can see all the possibilities available to you.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Monday, 8 June 2009
Why Not Just Be Happy?????
Life is like a game and maybe you can award points for every effort that has been a success for you. Try it. Add ten points for every achievement. And when you have reached 50 points just yell, "Hey, I've won!" and give yourself a reward. If you happen to have missed your points for whatever reason, tell yourself, "well I tried" which is better than not trying at all. The idea is to give it a shot. You might miss, but try again another day. Don't let it be said you didn't try. Try and fail, rather than fail to try.
What is it that you want to make you happy? Winning the lottery? Passing your examinations? Or just drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa in the morning? Happiness does not have to come from earning a lot of money, driving the best car, or being named the employee of the month. Happiness comes from the little things in life. Like what you may ask?
Actually happiness means different things to different people. For example, an athlete will be happy winning his first race. For a new mother happiness would be witnessing her baby's first steps. Happiness for a poor person would mean having a meal just for today. So happiness for you is really something simple that you want for yourself.
It really does not have to be complicated or big. As a matter of fact you should always have realistic expectations. Make the best out of every given situation. If you expect a certain outcome from a situation and it does not happen, don't get despondent. This just means trying harder next time. We all have in us the power to succeed. Don't let 'give up' be a part of your vocabulary. When you don't succeed at something, maybe it just means you need to be trying something else. Find a new focus as the last one may not be to your benefit.
So do you have what it takes to be genuinely happy? Just love yourself, be contented and accept your failures. Here are a few happy quotes:
1. The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count his blessings and not his cash..
2. Some pursue happiness, others create it...
3. The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.......
4. Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy........
So what are you waiting for, just be happy.........
Life Balance - Why Doesn't Money Buy Happiness?
Suppose you buy a new house and a new car because your co-worker or best friend bought one. You are attempting to fit in and be accepted, but you never truly feel accepted because you were not living and acting true to yourself. Sometimes you might find yourself wishing you had the life, job, personality or belongings of someone else. Living envious of others cannot bring you happiness. Comparing yourself to others typically only brings feelings of discouragement. Envisioning your own dreams coming true can bring encouragement and motivation to pursue those goals. Part of living authentically involves creating and honoring your vision.
Some of our most basic emotional needs are to feel respected, to be accepted and to feel loved. These are things we all seek. Going about them in ways that are inauthentic, however, will not bring those needs closer. An example of this is by spending money, overeating, drinking alcohol or using drugs to feel better. Seeking indulgent behaviors does not indulge anything in your soul. Rather, it takes you further from yourself.
With credit cards and other 'buy now, pay later' methods people have come to believe that anything worth having should come instantly. This happens in other ways too such as seeking information on the Internet and finding it immediately at your fingertips. This allows us to be rewarded before taking responsibility and earning what we desire. There are greater rewards, however, in learning patience and perseverance. Without fortitude we often can give up on what we want for ourselves before even trying, if we feel something would take too much time or energy. Perhaps this has caused you to give up on your dreams. If you have taken the time to envision a better future, your dreams are worth pursuing.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Be Happy Now!!!!!

The truth is, no matter how you break it down, the reason most of us want to create or attract anything in life is to ultimately get to a place of pure joy and happiness. It doesn't really even matter what you want, because everyone has different wants and desires. Eventually, though, all anyone really wants is happiness, plain and simple. Happiness is always the treasure at the end of the rainbow!
Problem is that most of us condition our happiness on something outside of us. We think we can't be happy until we get the fast red sports car, or the prestigious job, or the adorable children, or the muscular toned body, or perfect skin, or whatever. Society basically trains us from a very early age to believe that happiness is only accessible to us AFTER we've attained something on the outside. And the sad part is that many of us never get to that place of eternal bliss and happiness we are all searching for because a) we never accomplish the goals we think will make us happy or b) if we do achieve those goals, we quickly come up with new ones and condition our happiness on achieving those goals. It's a never-ending battle, really!
But what if we just bypass all those goals and external things all together and allow ourselves to just be happy now! I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago in my own life and remember thinking how life-altering and mind-blowing this was. I was mentally going through my daily list of things to be grateful for and was repeating the same things I have said to myself numerous times: "I'm grateful for my cute condo. I'm grateful to have money in the bank and live in a great city. I'm grateful to have friends who enjoy doing the same activities as me," etc. etc. etc. All of a sudden, though, it occurred to me that even as I was grateful to have all these wonderful things in my life, I wasn't necessarily any happier, which is my ultimate goal (and I'm guessing it's yours, too).
So I decided to just be happy now! I decided to be happy to be alive, to be able to breathe the air that I breathe, to be able to drink a cup of coffee when I wake up in the morning, or to have clean clothes to put on every day. Don't get me wrong, it can take a little conscious effort to get to this place... but once you do, it is so rewarding! "Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
The funny thing is, not only will you already be happier but you will actually begin attracting to you those things you thought you needed to be happy in the first place. Because you will already be happy, your attitude towards those things will change and relax, making it much easier for them to flow into your life. You won't need those things to be happy anymore, and once you release your need and desperation the Universe will have a much easier time delivering those things to you. The truth is, the Universe is practically "beating down our doors" trying to deliver our wants and needs to us. Unfortunately, though, we are usually in such a state of need, desperation, anxiety, etc. that we are unable to allow those things into our lives.
My advice to anyone trying to bring more happiness into their lives today is to just be happy now! Don't condition your happiness on anything outside of you, just decide right this minute to be happy. Get yourself into a state of pure bliss and just be happy now! :-)
Friday, 5 June 2009
Who Is The Boss???
At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.
Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following 10 tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns and start taking control of your life:
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
It’s much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.
2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For
Stresses and challenges don’t seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.
3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions
A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member’s bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don’t waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.
4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told a partner “You’re ALWAYS late!” or complained to a friend “You NEVER call me!”? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like ‘always’ and ‘never’ makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.
5. Detach From Negative Thoughts
Your thoughts can’t hold any power over you if you don’t judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don’t follow it.
6. Squash the “ANTs”
In his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” Dr. Daniel Amen talks about “ANTs” - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like “Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me,” or “The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!” When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!
7. Practice Lovin’, Touchin’ & Squeezin’ (Your Friends and Family)
You don’t have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn’t touch!
8. Increase Your Social Activity
By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!
9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person
Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.
10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination
If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It’s never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.
When it comes to the corporate world, protocol is pretty much the religion. To know the things needed to do are the basics of productivity, but interaction and having a steady mind makes up the entire thing to true productivity. There are those who seem to work well even under pressure, but they’re uncommon ones and we are human and imperfect. To get these little things like stress under our skins won’t solve our problems. Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to admit that we’re turning to be workaholics than tell ourselves that we’re not doing our best.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Happiness is Awareness

We are not always aware of the world around us because our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors usually hijack our awareness. Once we overly identify with our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors we usually lose our awareness of ourselves and the world around us. Being aware means stepping out of this destructive cycle and realizing our true or greater nature. Our true nature is bigger than this.
Stepping out of an emotional cycle creates a vast space in our mind, where we can experience our true selves and not the self created from our emotions. For example, "I am angry" turns into "I am experiencing anger." Once we recognize this we can usually step away from any emotion and it eventually recedes instead of strengthening. Being aware (or living in the now) is a pure form of consciousness that can be particularly joyful and free ,which then eliminates our temptation to use past conditioning , blaming, or other negative behaviors that will most likely be destructive.
So happiness doesn't always begin with a simple switch of attitude. Happiness begins with the realization that we can step away from the turbulence of the mind and just soak in the now with every fiber of our body. Staying in the now elevates us to experience this world as we were truly meant to as human beings. Staying in the now or being aware makes something as simple as a walk in the park a truly joyful experience. We feel the grass under foot, the sunshine warming our skin and the scent of flowers as we are meant to experience. It is actually a very simple concept and free to experience every moment of our lives. So wake up and look around you. You are not your emotions, thoughts or conditioning. You are free. Free to embrace each and every moment as you choose to.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
7 Free and Easy Ways to Love Yourself on Your Journey to Happiness

Here are 7 tips to help you love yourself!
1) Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Recall your life achievements and write them down. What successes did you have at school? What accomplishments have you had during your working life? What have you achieved as a parent? I am confident that you will end up creating a very long list!
2) Read through your list, and recall how good you felt when you accomplished each of these. Remember how hard you worked to achieve the desired results. Congratulate yourself for each and every one of these achievements!
3) Now that you have a written record of your accomplishments, read through the list every day and acknowledge these achievements. This will imprint all of these wonderful thoughts and feelings in your mind.
4) Choose a day of the week to take stock of what you have done over the previous 7 days. It doesn't matter if it is a Friday, Tuesday, or whatever, but make it a regular event. Write down everything that you have accomplished that week. They don't have to be major achievements - cleaning the oven is definitely an achievement that you should acknowledge!
5) You should now see a pattern emerging. The things that you have achieved indicate the talents and strengths that you have. Write down the particular strengths that you would have needed to be successful in reaching your goals.
6) Appreciate yourself for who you are. Acknowledge the strengths and talents that you have. You are a unique individual who has achieved much in your life, and acknowledge that you will continue to accomplish more and more.
7) With your list of your strengths and talents, think of new ways to use these. Using your skills in different ways will help you reinforce that you are capable of achieving so much.
These exercises will help you appreciate yourself so much more. It really makes such a difference if you spend some time with you, and take stock of all of the wonderful things that you have done in your life. Writing your achievements down and rereading the lists regularly will ensure that these positive events are permanently implanted in your mind!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Happiness - Your Right, Your Choice
