Thursday 23 April 2009

To all of my friends

If someone asks me what is friendship? I would sit next to you, pull you close to me, put my arms around you and say proudly 'this is friendship'.. thanks for being a wonderful friend.

A Friend Is..............

A friend is someone with whom, your thoughts,
dreams and secrets you can share.
And no matter what you say or do, you knowthat
they still care.

A friend is always ready to laugh
with you when you are glad.
But has shoulder for you to cry on
at those times when you are sad.

A friend is always want the best for you
And they are not happy until you are too.
A friend is never jealousof the things you may attain.

And if you are the winner you willnot hear them complain.

A friend is a person who could spend everyday
with you, from beginning to end.

When you find someone like this they are moreth
an a friend they are a ...BEST FRIEND



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