Tuesday 21 April 2009

Happiness and Smile POEMS

Today, I would like to share a Happiness and Smile POEMS to you. Hope you will like it....

Happiness uplifts me
Happiness fills my heart, my mind, and my soul
Happiness gives me the strength I need
Happiness is a good feeling that enters my mind each day
Happiness takes my sadness away
Happiness fills my eyes with joy
Happiness makes me excited and thrilled
Happiness warms my heart and soul each day
Happiness gives me a sense of relief each day
Happiness welcomes me each morning when I get up
Happiness can be seen in my eyes

Smile Is A Sign Of......

A smile is a sign of love
A smile is a sign of care
A smile tells how much to others You are important and also dear
A smile is a sign of cheerA smile is a sign of trust
A smile shows how you canBe happy even in hard crust
A smile is a sign of joy A smile is a sign of hope
A smile teaches you how you can Remove the clouds of mope
For nothing but only
A smile Takes away your pain and trial And pick your trouble's pile
And let you smile, smile and smile.



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