Tuesday, 1 September 2009

It's Good to Be Selfish Sometimes

People tell you all the time not to be selfish. But in order to succeed in life you have to be selfish at times. If a person wants to succeed they have to look out for themselves and what's in their best interest to succeed. IF people are not selfish, they often let people hold them back from the things that they need to do in order to accomplish something. So why not be selfish if you're trying to do something positive with your life?

To be selfish means that you are looking out for your own interest or your own life. With that in mind, everything you do to live can be considered selfish. When you eat you are supporting your life, is that selfish? When you are happy of your accomplishments and take pride in your character, is that selfish? When you use your mind to do things in pursuit of your own happiness, is that selfish? What exactly makes selfish a good or bad thing?

If you are not selfish, you will never get the things done that are most important to you. People have to understand that they are the most important thing in their life. If they are not in tune with themselves, how do they really expect to help others?

It is good to be selfish sometimes because it is an overall good and understandable goal to look out for one's self. It's also a good thing to be self dependent, and proud of the achievements that you have accomplished. It is only natural that people act in a manner that is positive for themselves.

How can a person honestly say they don't care about how something will impact them and their life? That right there is an act of selfishness. That kind of selfishness is not the same as being stingy and not helping others. But in order to help others, you have to help yourself first.

There is nothing really wrong with being selfish at times. Selfish will never be a bad thing is you follow a couple of rules. When acting in a selfish manner to succeed, you cannot violate the rights of others in order to accomplish your own goals. You cannot represent yourself as something you are not because that is misleading people and misleading yourself. Finally, you must do your absolute best to continuously think at all times while making sure that your actions bring you nothing but encouraging outcomes.



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